  1. ssrs-role-based-security

Role-Based Security

Role-Based Security is a feature of SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) that enables access control and authorization of reports, folders, and data sources based on the user's role. This ensures that users only have access to the reports and data sources that they are authorized to view and use.


Role-Based Security involves two key roles:

  • System-level Role: Specifies control over an entire report server by controlling server-wide settings and data sources.
  • Item-level Role: Allows permissions to be set on a specific item, such as a report or folder.

To set up Role-Based Security in SSRS, the following syntax is used:

   <role name="RoleName">
        <Task name="View" />
        <Task name="Manage" />


Consider a scenario where a company has multiple departments, each with its own set of reports. The HR department has reports related to employee salaries, while the Sales department has sales performance reports. The Senior Management team has access to all reports. To set up Role-Based Security for this scenario, the following steps can be followed:

  1. Create three roles - HR, Sales, and Senior Management - in SSRS with specific tasks assigned to each role. The following XML can be used to define these roles:
   <role name="HR">
         <Task name="View" />
   <role name="Sales">
         <Task name="View" />
   <role name="Senior Management">
         <Task name="View" />
         <Task name="Manage" />
  1. Assign the appropriate role to each user. For example, HR employees will be assigned the HR role, while Senior Management will be assigned the Senior Management role.

  2. Assign permissions to the reports and data sources based on the roles. For example, the salary reports will only be accessible to users with the HR role, while sales performance reports will only be accessible to users with the Sales role.


In the example above, three roles - HR, Sales, and Senior Management - are created in SSRS. The HR and Sales roles are assigned only the "View" task, which allows them to only view the reports and data sources that they are authorized to see. The Senior Management role is given "View" and "Manage" tasks, allowing them to view and manage all reports and data sources on the server.

Users are then assigned roles based on their department and seniority level. The permissions are set for each report and data source based on the roles. This ensures that only the authorized users have access to the reports and data sources that are relevant to their department and job role.


Role-Based Security is used in SSRS to secure reports, folders, and data sources based on the user's role. It ensures that only the authorized users have access to the reports and data sources that are relevant to their job role. Role-Based Security is particularly useful in organizations where different departments have access to different types of information and reports.

Important Points

  • Role-Based Security in SSRS is implemented using system-level and item-level roles.
  • Roles are defined in SSRS with specific tasks assigned to each role.
  • Users are assigned roles based on their job role and seniority level.
  • Permissions are set for each report and data source based on the roles.


Role-Based Security is a feature of SSRS that enables access control and authorization of reports, folders, and data sources based on the user's role. It is implemented using system-level and item-level roles, with specific tasks assigned to each role. Users are assigned roles based on their job role and seniority level, and permissions are set for each report and data source based on the roles. Role-Based Security is particularly useful in organizations where different departments have access to different types of information and reports.

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