  1. ssrs-query-designer

Query Designer

Query Designer is a graphical tool in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) that allows the user to easily create and modify data sources and data sets using a visual interface.


Query Designer does not have a specific syntax for creating or modifying data sources and data sets. Instead, it uses a visual interface to allow the user to select and customize the required fields, filters, and parameters.


To create a data source using Query Designer in SSRS, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Report Data tab in the Report Builder.
  2. Right-click on the Data Sources node and select Add Data Source.
  3. In the Connection Properties dialog box, select the type of data source you want to connect to, and provide the necessary connection details.
  4. Click on the Edit button next to the Connection String field to open the Query Designer.

Once the Query Designer is open, you can drag and drop tables from the data source onto the canvas, and then select the required fields and apply filters and parameters as needed.


The output of Query Designer is a data source or data set that can be used in your SSRS report.


Query Designer in SSRS simplifies the process of creating and modifying data sources and data sets. The visual interface allows the user to easily select the required fields, apply filters and parameters, and customize the data output for their specific reporting needs.


Query Designer is primarily used for creating and modifying data sources and data sets in SSRS. It is particularly useful for users who are not familiar with SQL syntax and need a simplified way to manage their data sources.

Important Points

  • Query Designer does not support all the features of SQL syntax and may have limitations in the complexity of queries that can be created.
  • Query Designer may have limited support for some data sources and may require additional configuration and setup to work with certain types of databases.


Query Designer is a graphical tool used in SSRS for creating and modifying data sources and data sets. It is a visual interface that simplifies the process of managing data sources and requires little or no knowledge of SQL syntax. While there are some limitations to the features available in Query Designer, it is particularly useful for users who need a simplified way to manage their data sources.

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