  1. ssrs-authentication-modes

Authentication Modes

Authentication modes in SSRS Security allow you to control access to your SQL Server Reporting Services deployment by requiring users to authenticate to gain access to reports, data sources, and other resources.


There is no specific syntax for authentication modes in SSRS Security.


There are different authentication modes available in SSRS Security such as:

  • Windows Authentication - This mode uses Active Directory to authenticate users.
  • Forms Authentication - This mode uses a customized login form to authenticate users.
  • Custom Authentication - This mode allows you to use a custom authentication provider.


The output will depend on the authentication mode being used. Generally, users will be required to enter their credentials to access the desired resources.


Authentication modes in SSRS Security are used to control access to resources, ensuring only authorized users have access to reports, data sources, and other resources. Each mode has its own implementation and requirements for users to gain access.


Using authentication modes in SSRS Security ensures that only authorized users have access to the resources they need to perform their job functions. This provides an additional layer of security to your SQL Server Reporting Services deployment.

Important Points

  • Windows Authentication is the default authentication mode in SSRS.
  • Forms Authentication may require you to have SSL encryption enabled on your report server.
  • Custom Authentication is typically used when existing authentication mechanisms cannot be used or are insufficient.


Authentication modes in SSRS Security allow you to control access to your SQL Server Reporting Services deployment by requiring users to authenticate to gain access to reports, data sources, and other resources. There are different authentication modes available, each with its own requirements for users to gain access. Using authentication modes provides an additional layer of security to your deployment.

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