  1. ssrs-built-in-functions

Built-in Functions

Built-in functions are pre-defined functions that are included in SSRS expressions and can be used to perform various operations. These functions can be used in conjunction with expressions to manipulate and format data in a report.


The syntax for using built-in functions in SSRS expressions is as follows:

FunctionName(expression, parameters)


Consider the following dataset that contains sales figures by month and region:

Month Region Sales
Jan West 100
Feb West 150
Mar West 200
Jan East 75
Feb East 125
Mar East 175

To calculate the total sales for the West region, the following expression can be used:

=Sum(IIF(Fields!Region.Value = "West", Fields!Sales.Value, 0))

This expression uses the Sum function, along with an IIF function that evaluates if the current field's Region value equals "West". If the condition is true, the Sales value is returned, otherwise, 0 is returned.


The Sum function calculates the sum of the values of the expression for each row in a dataset. In this case, the expression is an IIF function that returns the Sales value for a row if the Region value is "West", and 0 otherwise. The result is the sum of the Sales values for all rows where the Region value is "West".


Built-in functions can be used to perform a wide variety of operations in SSRS expressions. These functions can help to manipulate and format data, and can also be used to perform calculations and aggregations.

Important Points

  • There are many built-in functions available in SSRS, including mathematical, string manipulation, and date/time functions.
  • Functions can be used in SSRS expressions to manipulate and format data in a report.
  • Functions can also be used to perform calculations and aggregations, such as summing values in a dataset.


Built-in functions are pre-defined functions that are included in SSRS expressions and can be used to perform various operations. These functions can be used to manipulate and format data, perform calculations, and aggregations, and more. There are many different built-in functions available in SSRS, and their syntax and parameters may vary depending on their specific use case.

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