  1. ssrs-group-filters

SSRS: Group Filters


This tutorial explores the use of group filters in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). Group filters allow you to control the visibility of group members based on specified criteria, providing more control over the display of data in your reports.

Group Filters in SSRS


Group filters in SSRS are applied within the properties of a group. The syntax involves specifying a filtering expression and an operator:

=Fields!FieldName.Value Operator Value


Consider a scenario where you want to show only those products in a report that have a sales amount greater than $1,000:

=Fields!SalesAmount.Value > 1000


The output will be a report displaying only the products that meet the specified filter criteria.


  • Group filters are applied at the group level and control the visibility of group members based on specified conditions.
  • The filtering expression evaluates to true or false, determining whether a group member should be displayed.


  • Data Presentation: Use group filters to present data more meaningfully by showing only relevant information.
  • Drilldown Reports: Create drilldown reports where users can expand or collapse groups based on specified criteria.
  • Conditional Visibility: Implement conditional visibility of group members based on dynamic conditions.

Important Points

  • Group filters are commonly used with tablix (table or matrix) data regions in SSRS reports.
  • Filtering expressions can include various conditions and logical operators.
  • Ensure the filtering expression matches the data type of the field being evaluated.


Group filters in SSRS provide a powerful mechanism for controlling the visibility of group members in your reports. Whether you're creating summary reports, drilldown reports, or need conditional visibility, leveraging group filters enhances the presentation and usability of your SSRS reports. about advanced usage scenarios for group filters in SSRS.

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