  1. ssrs-debugging-reports

Debugging Reports

Debugging reports in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) is an important part of the development process. When a report does not work as expected, it is important to identify and resolve the underlying issues to ensure that the report functions correctly.


Debugging SSRS reports often involves checking the report definition, identifying errors, and resolving them. The syntax for debugging reports varies depending on the specific issue being addressed.


Here are some common issues that may require debugging in SSRS:

  • Syntax errors: These are often caused by typos, missing brackets, or incorrect expressions. They can be identified by reviewing the report definition, which can be accessed by right-clicking on the report in Visual Studio and selecting "View Code". Once identified, the syntax error can be corrected and the report re-deployed.
  • Data source issues: These can occur when the data source connection is incorrect or the query is incorrect. These issues can be identified by reviewing the data source properties, which can be accessed by right-clicking on the data source in Visual Studio and selecting "Properties". Once identified, the issue can be corrected and the report re-deployed.
  • Parameter issues: These can occur when a parameter value is incorrect or the parameter is not set up correctly. These issues can be identified by reviewing the parameter properties, which can be accessed by right-clicking on the parameter in Visual Studio and selecting "Properties". Once identified, the issue can be corrected and the report re-deployed.


Debugging reports in SSRS involves identifying and resolving any issues that are preventing the report from functioning correctly. This typically involves reading through the report definition, data source properties, and parameter properties to identify any errors. Once identified, the issue can be corrected and the report re-deployed.


Debugging reports is a critical part of the report development process. Ensuring that reports function correctly is important to prevent errors and ensure that users receive accurate and useful data.

Important Points

  • Debugging reports requires a thorough understanding of report development best practices and the specific tool being used (in this case, SSRS).
  • It is important to carefully review the report definition, data source properties, and parameter properties to identify and resolve errors.
  • SSRS provides a number of tools and features to assist with debugging, including the ability to view the report definition, explore data sources, and access log files.


Debugging reports in SSRS is a critical part of the report development process. It involves identifying and resolving any issues that are preventing the report from functioning correctly. This typically involves reviewing the report definition, data source properties, and parameter properties to identify errors, and then making the necessary corrections. With practice, developers can become proficient in debugging reports and resolving issues efficiently.

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