  1. ssrs-introduction

Introduction to SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services)

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) is a Microsoft reporting tool that allows you to produce formatted, interactive, and printed reports using a wide range of data sources. With SSRS, you can create and design reports, publish them to a server, and manage their distribution.


The syntax for SSRS varies depending on the specific component you are using (such as the Report Designer, Report Builder, or Report Server).


Here is an example of a simple report created in SSRS:

SSRS Example Report

In this report, we have a tabular layout with data grouped by product category. Each column represents a specific measure of our data (in this case, sales and profit), and we have added a chart to visually represent the performance of each category.


SSRS provides a wide range of features and tools for designing, testing, and publishing reports. The example report above was created using the Report Designer included in Visual Studio, but you can also use the web-based Report Builder or create custom web applications using the SSRS API.

To create a report, you first need to define a data source (such as a SQL Server database) and a dataset that specifies how to retrieve and organize your data. You can then use drag-and-drop tools to add data visualizations, apply formatting, and group and filter your data as needed.

Once you have created a report, you can publish it to an SSRS server to make it available to users in your organization. You can also set up automated report delivery and create custom security settings to control who can view or modify your reports.


SSRS is commonly used in business intelligence and data analysis scenarios where users need to view data in a structured and visually appealing format. With SSRS, you can create reports that display data in a wide range of formats, from simple tables and charts to more complex data visualizations and dashboards.

Important Points

  • SSRS supports a wide range of data sources, including SQL Server, Oracle, and Excel.
  • You can use SSRS to create a wide range of reports, from simple tables and charts to complex data visualizations and dashboards.
  • SSRS provides several tools for creating and designing reports, including the Report Designer, Report Builder, and custom web applications using the SSRS API.
  • Reports created in SSRS can be published to an SSRS server and automated for regular distribution.


SSRS is a powerful reporting tool that allows you to create, design, and publish reports using a wide range of data sources. With drag-and-drop tools for creating visualizations and formatting data, you can deliver structured, visually appealing reports to support business intelligence and data analysis needs.

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