  1. ssrs-bookmarking

Bookmarking in SSRS

Bookmarking is a feature in SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) that allows users to bookmark specific sections of a report. This enables them to easily navigate through large reports and quickly find the information they need.


Bookmarking is achieved through the use of a "Jump to bookmark" link and a bookmark identifier. The syntax for creating a bookmark link in SSRS is as follows:

="<a href=""#BookMarkName"">Jump to bookmark</a>"

The BookmarkName parameter can be set in the properties of the item that you want to bookmark.


To add a bookmark to a table in an SSRS report, follow these steps:

  1. Select the tablix or table that you want to bookmark.
  2. In the Properties pane, expand the "Navigation" section.
  3. Set the "Bookmark" property to the desired name for the bookmark. For example, "TableOfContents".
  4. In another part of the report, create a "Jump to bookmark" link that jumps to the specified bookmark:
="<a href=""#TableOfContents"">Jump to Table of Contents</a>"


When the user clicks on the "Jump to Table of Contents" link, the report will scroll to the selected table, making it easy to navigate through large reports.


Bookmarks in SSRS allow users to navigate quickly to specific sections of a report without having to scroll through the entire report. When a bookmark is added to a particular item, a corresponding bookmark name is created. This bookmark name can then be used to create a "Jump to bookmark" link that, when clicked, will take the user directly to the specified section of the report.


Bookmarks can be used in SSRS reports to make it easier for users to navigate through large reports. By allowing users to jump directly to specific sections of a report, bookmarks can improve the user experience and increase the usability of the report.

Important Points

  • Bookmarks must be created for specific items in the report in order to be used.
  • The "Bookmark" property is used to set the name of the bookmark.
  • Bookmarks can be used in conjunction with other SSRS navigation features, such as table of contents and drillthrough reports.


Bookmarks in SSRS are a powerful tool for making it easier for users to navigate through large reports. By allowing users to jump directly to specific sections of a report, bookmarks can improve the overall usability of the report. Bookmarks are created by setting the "Bookmark" property for specific items in the report, and a "Jump to bookmark" link is created using the bookmark name. Bookmarks can be used in conjunction with other SSRS navigation features, such as table of contents and drillthrough reports.

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