  1. ssrs-creating-parameters

Creating Parameters in SSRS Reports

Parameters are an important component of SSRS reports as they allow users to interact with the report and view the data based on their specific requirements. Creating parameters in SSRS reports is a straightforward process and can enhance the usability of the report.


The syntax to create a parameter in SSRS reports is as follows:

<Parameter Name="ParameterName" Type="DataType" Prompt="PromptText">


Consider the following example where we want to create a report that displays sales data for a specific year. We want users to be able to select the year and view the sales data for that year. The parameter for the year selection can be created as follows:

<Parameter Name="Year" Type="Integer" Prompt="Select the year">


In the example above, the parameter is named Year and is of data type Integer. The Prompt attribute specifies the text that will be displayed to the user when they need to input the value for the parameter. In this case, the user will see the text "Select the year" above the input field.


Creating parameters in SSRS reports is useful when you want to allow users to filter the report data based on specific values. Users can input the required values for the parameters and the report will be generated accordingly. Parameters can be used for a wide range of data types including integers, dates, and strings.

Important Points

  • Parameters help in creating interactive reports and allow users to customize the data they want to see.
  • Parameters can have different data types and validation rules can be defined to ensure that only valid values are entered.
  • Parameters can be used to filter data, group data, and sort data in SSRS reports.
  • Parameters can also be used in expressions to create dynamic reports.


Creating parameters in SSRS reports is a simple process that enhances the usability of the report by allowing users to interact with the data. Parameters can be defined for a wide range of data types and can be used to filter, group, and sort data. Parameters are an important component of SSRS reports and contribute to creating dynamic and interactive reports.

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