  1. ssrs-responsive-design

Responsive Design

Responsive Design is an approach to designing websites and applications that adapts to different screen sizes and devices. In the context of mobile reporting with SSRS, Responsive Design is important to ensure that the reports are readable and usable on mobile devices, which have smaller screens than desktop computers.


Responsive Design in SSRS involves setting breakpoints for different screen sizes and using style properties to adjust the layout and size of elements on the report based on the screen size.


Consider the following SSRS report designed for desktop screens:

Desktop report example

To make this report responsive for mobile screens, you could set a breakpoint for a screen width of 768 pixels and adjust the style properties of the elements on the report to fit within this width. The resulting report would look like this:

Mobile report example


In the example above, we set a breakpoint for 768 pixels, which is a common width for mobile devices in landscape orientation. We then adjusted the style properties of the report elements to ensure that they fit within this width and are readable on a smaller screen.


Responsive Design is important for mobile reporting with SSRS to ensure that reports are readable and usable on mobile devices. By setting breakpoints and adjusting the style properties of report elements, you can create a layout that adapts to different screen sizes and devices.

Important Points

  • In SSRS, breakpoints are set using media queries in CSS.
  • Adaptive styling is used to adjust the layout and size of report elements based on the screen size.
  • Responsive Design is important for mobile reporting to ensure that reports are readable and usable on mobile devices.


Responsive Design is an approach to designing websites and applications that adapts to different screen sizes and devices. In the context of mobile reporting with SSRS, Responsive Design is important to ensure that the reports are readable and usable on mobile devices. By setting breakpoints and adjusting the style properties of report elements, you can create a layout that adapts to different screen sizes and devices.

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