  1. ssrs-basic-report-elements-tables-matrix-lists-charts

SSRS: Basic Report Elements - Tables, Matrix, Lists, Charts


This tutorial introduces the fundamental report elements in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). SSRS is a powerful reporting tool that allows you to create interactive and visually appealing reports for your business intelligence needs.

Basic Report Elements in SSRS


The creation of basic report elements involves designing reports using the SSRS report designer. However, here's a simplified representation of the basic syntax:

<!-- Example SSRS report element (XML-based syntax) -->
    <!-- Table, Matrix, or List elements go here -->
    <!-- Chart elements go here -->


Consider a simple example of an SSRS report with a table displaying sales data:

<!-- SSRS Report with a Table -->
    <DataSet Name="SalesData">
        <Field Name="Product" />
        <Field Name="SalesAmount" />


The output is an interactive and visually appealing report displaying sales data in a tabular format.


  • Table (Tablix): Represents a table structure in SSRS, displaying data in rows and columns.
  • Matrix: Similar to a table but with dynamic rows and columns based on grouped data.
  • List: Allows displaying data in a free-form layout, useful for scenarios where a table or matrix structure is not suitable.
  • Chart: Represents graphical representations of data, such as bar charts, pie charts, etc.


  • Tables: Ideal for displaying structured data in rows and columns.
  • Matrix: Useful for dynamic grouping and summarization of data.
  • Lists: Flexible for displaying data in a customized format.
  • Charts: Visualize data trends and patterns for better understanding.

Important Points

  • SSRS uses a drag-and-drop report designer for creating and formatting report elements.
  • Utilize expressions for dynamic content and calculations within report elements.
  • Pay attention to dataset configuration for accurate data retrieval.


SSRS provides a versatile set of basic report elements such as tables, matrix, lists, and charts, enabling you to create comprehensive and visually appealing reports. Understanding how to use these elements is essential for building effective business intelligence reports tailored to your organization's needs.

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