  1. ssrs-heat-maps-and-tree-maps

Heat Maps and Tree Maps

Heat maps and tree maps are advanced reporting scenarios that are used to visualize complex data sets in an easy to understand format. These charts are widely used in financial analysis, sales analysis, and marketing analysis to gain insights into large data sets that would otherwise be difficult to understand.

Heat Maps

A heat map is a graphical representation of data where individual values are represented as colors within a grid. A heat map can be used to visualize complex data sets such as sales data, geographic data, and financial data.


The syntax for a heat map is as follows:

SELECT x-axis, y-axis, count(*)
FROM table_name
GROUP BY x-axis, y-axis


Consider the following sales data:

Month Product Sales
Jan Product A 100
Jan Product B 200
Jan Product C 150
Feb Product A 50
Feb Product B 100
Feb Product C 75

To create a heat map of this data, the following SQL query can be used:

SELECT Month, Product, count(*) as Sales
FROM sales_table
GROUP BY Month, Product

This will generate a heat map similar to the following:

Heat Map Example


In the example above, the SQL query groups the sales data by month and product, and counts the number of sales for each combination. This data is then turned into a heat map, where the y-axis represents the month, the x-axis represents the product, and the sales for each combination are represented as a color.

Tree Maps

A tree map is a graphical representation of data that displays the relative size of each component of the data set. Tree maps can be used to visualize hierarchical data, sales data, and geographic data.


The syntax for a tree map is as follows:

SELECT parent_column, child_column, value_column
FROM table_name
ORDER BY parent_column, child_column


Consider the following hierarchical data:

Category Subcategory Revenue
Electronics Computers 1000
Electronics Cameras 900
Electronics Phones 1200
Clothing Shirts 300
Clothing Pants 450
Clothing Shoes 600

To create a tree map of this data, the following SQL query can be used:

SELECT Category, Subcategory, Revenue
FROM sales_table
ORDER BY Category, Subcategory

This will generate a tree map similar to the following:

Tree Map Example


In the example above, the SQL query orders the hierarchical data by category and subcategory, and selects the revenue for each combination. This data is then turned into a tree map, where the size of each rectangle represents the revenue for the given category and subcategory.


Heat maps and tree maps are useful for visualizing complex data sets in an easy to understand format. These charts can be used in financial analysis, sales analysis, and marketing analysis to gain insights into large data sets that would otherwise be difficult to understand.

Important Points

  • Heat maps and tree maps are useful for visualizing complex data sets in an easy to understand format.
  • Heat maps represent data as colors within a grid, while tree maps represent data as rectangles of varying sizes.
  • Heat maps and tree maps are useful for financial analysis, sales analysis, and marketing analysis.


Heat maps and tree maps are advanced reporting scenarios used to visualize complex data sets in an easy to understand format. These charts are widely used in financial analysis, sales analysis, and marketing analysis to gain insights into large data sets that would otherwise be difficult to understand. Heat maps represent data as colors within a grid, while tree maps represent data as rectangles of varying sizes.

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