  1. ssrs-default-values

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS): Default Values


This tutorial explores the use of default values in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). Default values provide a way to pre-fill parameters in a report, offering users a starting point for customization.

Using Default Values in SSRS


Default values in SSRS can be set for report parameters in the following ways:

  1. Static Values:

  2. Dataset Values:

    =First(Fields!FieldName.Value, "DatasetName")


Consider a report parameter named StartDate with a default value set to the first day of the current month:

=DateSerial(Year(Today()), Month(Today()), 1)


When users run the report, the StartDate parameter will be pre-filled with the default value, which is the first day of the current month.


  • Static Values: Directly specify a default value using expressions or constants.
  • Dataset Values: Retrieve a default value from a dataset, such as the first record's field value.


  • User Convenience: Provide users with a starting point for report customization.
  • Default Filter Values: Set default values for parameters used as filters.
  • Dynamic Defaults: Use dataset values for dynamic default values based on data.

Important Points

  • Default values are applied when a report is initially loaded or when a user resets the parameter to its default state.
  • Ensure the default value expressions are valid and compatible with the data type of the parameter.
  • For dynamic defaults, the dataset should be available and populated when the report is loaded.


Default values in SSRS enhance the user experience by providing a predefined starting point for report parameters. Whether using static values or values derived from datasets, understanding how to implement default values is valuable for creating user-friendly and dynamic reports.

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