  1. ssrs-branding-reports

Branding Reports

SSRS Customization and Branding provides the ability to customize and brand reports in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) to match your organization's branding and style guidelines. This can include changing colors, fonts, and logos to create a consistent look and feel across all your reports.


There is no specific syntax for branding reports in SSRS as it involves using the available tools and options within the app to customize the look and feel of your reports.


Consider the following example where we have a report that needs to be customized to match the branding of our organization:

Before branding

After applying customization and branding, the report will have a new look that matches our organization's branding:

After branding


The process of branding reports in SSRS involves using the available tools and options within the app to customize and style the report. This can include changing the default color palette, font styles, and adding logos and images that represent your organization.


Customizing and branding reports in SSRS can help to create a consistent look and feel across all your reports, making them easily identifiable and recognizable to users. This can also help to strengthen your organization's brand by incorporating its logo, colors, and font styles into your reports.

Important Points

  • It is important to maintain consistency when branding reports to ensure that they are easily identifiable and recognizable to users.
  • Branding should be done with care and consideration to ensure that it aligns with the organization's overall identity and style guidelines.
  • SSRS provides a range of tools and options for customizing and branding reports to suit your organizational needs.


Branding reports in SSRS involves using the available tools and options within the app to customize the look and feel of your reports to match your organization's branding and style guidelines. This can include changing colors, fonts, and logos to create a consistent look and feel across all your reports. The process should be done with care and consideration to ensure that it aligns with the organization's overall identity and style guidelines. SSRS provides a range of tools and options for customizing and branding reports to suit your organizational needs.

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