  1. ssrs-mobile-report-publisher

Mobile Report Publisher

Mobile Report Publisher is a web-based report design tool in SQL Server Reporting Services that allows users to create and publish mobile reports optimized for various screen sizes and devices. It provides various data sources, data visualizations, and interactive features to create mobile reports quickly and easily.


There is no specific syntax or code for Mobile Report Publisher. It is a GUI-based tool that allows users to design mobile reports using various data sources, data visualizations, and interactive features through a drag-and-drop approach.


Consider you have a sales data-set that you want to visualize on various mobile devices. You can create a mobile report using Mobile Report Publisher tool:

Mobile Report Example


The output of the Mobile Report Publisher is a mobile report that can be viewed on various mobile devices with different screen sizes and resolutions. It provides an interactive and optimized view of data using visualizations such as charts, tables, maps, and gauges.


Mobile Report Publisher is a web-based interface that provides an intuitive and interactive way to design mobile reports. It allows users to connect to various data sources, build data models, and create visualizations by dragging and dropping components onto the report canvas. It also provides interactive features such as drill down, filters, and bookmarks that allow users to interact with the mobile report and slice and dice the data.


Mobile Report Publisher is used to design mobile reports that are optimized for various mobile devices. It provides an easy and intuitive way to create visualizations, build data models, and provide interactivity in the mobile reports.

Important Points

  • Mobile Report Publisher is a web-based report design tool in SQL Server Reporting Services.
  • It provides various data sources, data visualizations, and interactive features to create mobile reports quickly and easily.
  • It is a GUI-based tool, so there is no specific syntax or code required.
  • It allows users to create mobile reports optimized for various screen sizes and resolutions.


Mobile Report Publisher is a web-based report design tool in SQL Server Reporting Services that allows users to create and publish mobile reports optimized for various screen sizes and devices. It provides various data sources, data visualizations, and interactive features to create mobile reports quickly and easily, and is used to design mobile reports that are optimized for various mobile devices. It is a GUI-based tool, and provides no specific syntax or code required to create a mobile report.

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