  1. python-tkinter-widgets

Python Tkinter Widgets

Python Tkinter is a standard GUI (Graphical User Interface) package for developing desktop applications in Python. Tkinter provides various widgets (GUI components) for building graphical user interfaces.


The syntax for using widgets in Tkinter is as follows:

widget = ttk.Widget(parent, options)

In the above syntax, parent refers to the parent widget, and options refers to the configuration options of the widget.


Let's create a basic window with a button widget in Tkinter:

import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()
root.title("My App")

button = tk.Button(root, text="Click Me!")



Upon executing the above code, a window with a button labeled "Click Me!" will be displayed.


  • First, we imported the tkinter module and created an instance of the Tk class.
  • We set the title of the main window to "My App" using the title method of the Tk class.
  • Then, we created a Button widget with the parent window as root and provided the text property as a string "Click Me!".
  • Finally, we called the pack method on our button widget to display it on the window.
  • We placed the mainloop method after widget configuration to start the event loop.


Some of the commonly used widgets in Tkinter are:

  • Button
  • Label
  • Entry
  • Checkbutton
  • RadioButton
  • Frame
  • Canvas
  • Listbox
  • Scrollbar
  • Menubutton
  • Menu
  • Message
  • Scale
  • Text

Each widget has its own set of configuration options and methods to manipulate the widget.


Widgets in Tkinter are used to create a user interface for a desktop application. They are arranged on a main window and interact with the user via events such as button clicks and mouse actions.

Important Points

  • Tkinter provides many widgets for building graphical user interfaces.
  • Widgets have their own set of configuration options and methods to manipulate them.
  • Configuring widgets includes setting their size, color, font, text, and more.
  • Widgets can be arranged using layout managers such as pack, grid, and place.


In this page, we learned about the widgets in Python Tkinter. We looked at the syntax and example of creating a basic window with a button widget, as well as some commonly used widgets, their uses, and important points to keep in mind while using them.

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