  1. python-label

Python Label

The Label widget in Python is a component used to display one or more lines of text. It is a part of the tkinter package in Python that allows developers to create GUI applications. The Label widget is used to provide information or a message to the user. It is a read-only widget, which means that the user cannot edit the text inside it.


The basic syntax to create a Label widget in Python is as follows:

label = Label(root, text='This is a label')

Here, root is the parent window or widget on which the Label widget needs to be placed. The text argument is used to specify the text that needs to be displayed inside the Label widget.


from tkinter import *

root = Tk()

label = Label(root, text='Hello, World!')



The above code will create a window with the Label widget displaying "Hello, World!".

Python Label Output


In the above code, we first import the tkinter package. Then we create a new instance of the Tk class, which will be the root window of our application.

Next, we create a Label widget with the text "Hello, World!" and attach it to the root window using the pack method.

Finally, we start the main event loop of the application using mainloop method. This will display the window until the user closes it.


The Label widget is mainly used to display a message or information to the user. It can also be used to display the name or title of the application.

Important Points

  • The text argument of the Label widget is used to specify the text to be displayed.
  • The anchor argument is used to specify the alignment of the text within the widget.
  • The justify argument is used to specify the alignment of multiple lines of text.


In this tutorial, we learned how to create a Label widget in Python using the tkinter package. We also discussed the various arguments that can be used with the Label widget to customize its appearance and behavior.

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