  1. python-itertools

Python Itertools

Python Itertools is a module that provides various functions that can be used to work with iterable objects. The 'itertools' module is a part of the Python Standard Library, which means it comes pre-installed with Python and does not require any additional installation.


The basic syntax to import the 'itertools' module is as follows:

import itertools


Let's take an example of how the 'itertools' module can be used to work with iterable objects. In the below example, we will use the 'itertools.count()' function to generate an infinite sequence of numbers starting from the given value.

import itertools

# generate infinite sequence of numbers starting at 0
seq = itertools.count()

# print first 10 values
for i in range(10):




In the above example, we have imported the 'itertools' module and used the 'count()' function to generate an infinite sequence of numbers starting from 0. We have then used a 'for' loop and the 'next()' function to print the first 10 numbers from the sequence.

The 'itertools.count()' function returns an iterator that generates an infinite sequence of numbers. The sequence starts at the given value (0 in this case) and increments by 1 for each iteration. The 'next()' function is used to get the next value from the iterator.


The 'itertools' module provides several functions that can be used to work with iterable objects in Python. Some of the commonly used functions are:

  • count()
  • cycle()
  • repeat()
  • chain()
  • compress()
  • dropwhile()
  • takewhile()
  • groupby()

These functions can be used to generate infinite sequences, repeat values, combine multiple iterable objects, filter and group data, and much more.

Important Points

  • The 'itertools' module is a part of the Python Standard Library.
  • It provides various functions that can be used to work with iterable objects in Python.
  • These functions can be used to generate infinite sequences, repeat values, combine multiple iterable objects, filter and group data, and much more.


In this article, we have learned about the 'itertools' module in Python. We have seen how it can be used to work with iterable objects and generate infinite sequences. We have also gone through some of the commonly used functions provided by the module and their applications.

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