  1. python-pythonmysql

Python MySQL

Python MySQL is a module that provides a Python interface for MySQL database. It is a connector that provides an easy way to connect Python with MySQL databases.


To use Python MySQL module, you need to import it into your Python program using the following syntax:

import mysql.connector

This connects MySQL Connector/Python to a MySQL server running on the local host.


Let's see an example to illustrate how to connect to MySQL using Python:

import mysql.connector

mydb = mysql.connector.connect(



After executing the above code, you should see an output similar to the following:

<mysql.connector.connection_cext.CMySQLConnection object at 0x1067d1090>


In the above example, we first imported the mysql.connector module. Then, we established a connection to a MySQL database. The host, user, and password parameters are required to connect to the MySQL server.


The Python MySQL module can be used to create, modify, and manipulate MySQL databases. This is useful for developing applications that require a backend database for storing and managing data.

Important Points

  • Before using the Python MySQL module, you need to have a MySQL server installed on your local machine or remote server
  • You need to have the appropriate login credentials for the MySQL server to connect to it using Python MySQL
  • The MySQL server needs to be running in order for the Python MySQL connector to connect to it


In summary, the Python MySQL module allows developers to connect Python with MySQL databases, enabling them to create, manipulate, and manage MySQL databases using Python. This module is an essential tool for developing Python applications that require a backend database.

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