  1. python-join-operation

Python Join Operation

The Python join() method is used to join or concatenate two or more strings. It takes an iterable of strings and returns a single string.



Here, string_name is the string to be used as the separator and iterable is the iterable object like list, tuple, etc.


# Concatenate a list of strings with space separator
my_list = ['Hello', 'world', 'in', 'Python']
output = ' '.join(my_list)


Hello world in Python


In the above example, the join() method is used to concatenate the list of strings with space as a separator. The join() method takes an iterable (list in this case) as an argument and returns a string.


The join() method is useful in concatenating strings or creating a sentence from a list of words.

Important Points

  • The join() method can only be used with string data types.
  • The separator can be any string, not just a space. It can also be a comma, hyphen, etc.
  • The join() method is often used to create a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file from a list of data.


In summary, the join() method is a simple and efficient way of concatenating strings or creating a sentence from a list of words.

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