  1. python-introduction-to-tkinter

Python Introduction to Tkinter

Tkinter is a Python library for creating graphical user interfaces (GUI). It is a standard Python library and is a part of the tkinter module.


from tkinter import *


import tkinter as tk


import tkinter as tk

# Create a window
root = tk.Tk()

# Add a label to the window
my_label = tk.Label(root, text="Hello World!")

# Display the window


The above code will create a window with a label "Hello World!" in it.

Tkinter Output


  • tkinter is a built-in Python module for creating GUI applications.
  • Tk() creates a main window for the application.
  • Label() is used to create a label widget to display text or image on the application.
  • pack() is a layout manager which arranges widgets in the parent widget.
  • mainloop() is a method that runs the application until we close the window.


We can use Tkinter to create GUI applications in Python. We can create buttons, text boxes, frames, and other widgets to build the user interface. We can also bind events to these widgets to add functionality to the application.

Important Points

  • Tkinter is a Python library for creating graphical user interfaces.
  • It is a standard Python library and is a part of the tkinter module.
  • We can use import tkinter as tk or from tkinter import * statement to import the tkinter module.
  • We can create a main window using tk.Tk().
  • We can create widgets like labels, buttons, and frames using the Tkinter module.
  • We can use various layout managers like pack, grid, and place, to organize the widgets on the application window.
  • We can bind events to the widgets to add functionality to the application.


In this article, we learned about Tkinter, a Python library for creating GUI applications, its syntax, examples, output, and uses. We also explored the important points and summary of Tkinter.

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