  1. python-frame

Python Frame

The Frame widget in Python is used to organize the other widgets in the graphical user interface (GUI). It acts like a container and can hold multiple widgets such as buttons, labels, or other frames.


The syntax for creating a Frame widget in Python is as follows:

frame = Frame(master, options)

Here, master refers to the parent widget and options are the additional parameters to configure the Frame widget.


from tkinter import *

# instantiate parent window
root = Tk()

# create a frame
frame = Frame(root, bd=2, relief=SOLID)
frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True)

# create some widgets
label = Label(frame, text="This is a label inside the frame")
button = Button(frame, text="Click me")

# add widgets to the frame

# run the event loop


The above code will create a frame and add a label and a button inside it as shown below:

Python Frame Output


In the above example, we first imported the tkinter module and created a window using the Tk() constructor. Then, we instantiated a Frame widget object named frame by passing the parent window root along with some additional parameters such as bd (border width) and relief (border style).

Next, we created a Label and a Button widget using the Label() and Button() constructor respectively and added them to the frame widget using the pack() method.

Finally, we started the event loop by calling the mainloop() method.


The Frame widget is used to group related widgets together and organize them in a better way. It provides a structured layout and helps in managing the widgets more efficiently.

Important Points

  • A Frame widget can hold multiple widgets such as buttons, labels, or other frames.
  • The Frame widget is used to group related widgets together and organize them in a better way.
  • The pack() method is used to add the widgets to the frame.
  • The bd and relief parameters to configure the Frame widget are optional.


In this tutorial, we learned about the Frame widget in Python which is used to group related widgets together and organize them in a better way. We also saw an example of how to create a Frame widget and add widgets to it.

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