  1. python-messagebox

Python MessageBox

The MessageBox in Python is a popup window that is used to display messages to the user. It is generally used to obtain user input or to display a message to the user. It is often used in graphical user interface (GUI) applications.


messagebox.showinfo(title, message)


import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox

window = tk.Tk()

# show a message box
messagebox.showinfo("Important Message", "This is an important message!")



A message box popup window will appear with an OK button and the message "This is an important message!".


The messagebox module is part of the tkinter package, which is the standard Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit. The showinfo() method is used to display a message box with the given title and message. The title parameter specifies the title of the message box, and the message parameter specifies the message to display.

Other methods provided by the messagebox module include showwarning(), showerror(), askquestion(), askokcancel(), askyesno(), and askretrycancel(). These methods are used to obtain user input or to display different types of messages.


The MessageBox is used to display important messages to the user, ask for user input, or display error messages in GUI applications.

Important Points

  • The messagebox module is part of the tkinter package.
  • The showinfo() method is used to display a message box with the given title and message.
  • Other methods provided by the messagebox module include showwarning(), showerror(), askquestion(), askokcancel(), askyesno(), and askretrycancel().


In summary, the MessageBox in Python is a useful tool for displaying important messages to the user, asking for user input, or displaying error messages in GUI applications. The messagebox module provides various methods for achieving these goals.

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