  1. python-spinbox

Python Spinbox

A Spinbox is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) control element in Python that allows the user to select a value from a specific range by clicking on up and down arrows, or by typing a value directly into the control. This control element is commonly used to get numeric input from the user.


The syntax for creating a Spinbox in Python is as follows:

spinbox = Spinbox(parent, options)
  • parent: specifies the parent window or widget for the Spinbox.
  • options: specifies the various configuration options for the Spinbox, such as the range of values to allow, the increment or decrement amount for the control element, and the initial value to display.


from tkinter import *

root = Tk()

spinbox = Spinbox(root, from_=0, to=100, increment=1, width=10)



The above code will create a GUI window with a Spinbox control element. The Spinbox will allow the user to select a value from 0 to 100, with an increment of 1.


In the above example, we first imported the tkinter module and created a new instance of the Tk class to create the main window. Then we created a new instance of the Spinbox class, specifying the parent window (root) and various options such as from_ (to specify the lowest selectable value), to (to specify the highest selectable value), and increment (to specify how much the value should change when the user clicks the up/down arrows).

Finally, we used the pack() method to place the Spinbox in the window.


Spinboxes are commonly used in GUI applications to get numeric input from the user. They are a handy way to avoid the user typing in an invalid value.

Important Points

  • The from_ and to options must be used together to specify the range of values that the user can select.
  • The increment option specifies how much the value should change when the user clicks the up/down arrows.
  • The width option can be used to set the width of the Spinbox.
  • The get() method can be used to retrieve the current value of the Spinbox.


In this Python Spinbox tutorial, we learned how to create a Spinbox control element in Python using the tkinter module. The Spinbox allows the user to select a value from a specific range using up/down arrows or by directly typing in a value. We also looked at various configuration options for the Spinbox, such as setting the initial value, range, and increment amount.

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