  1. python-data-types

Python Data Types

In Python, data types represent the type of data stored in a variable or a container. Python supports various built-in data types that allow developers to store different types of data, such as integers, floats, strings, and booleans, among others.


The syntax for declaring variables in Python is straightforward:

variable_name = value

For example:

my_var = 10



Integers are whole numbers without any fractional part. In Python, we can define integers using the int keyword:

x = 10
y = -5


Floats are numbers with a decimal point in them. In Python, we can declare float data types using the float keyword:

x = 3.14
y = 2.0


Strings are a sequence of characters. In Python, we can store strings by enclosing them in either single quotes ('') or double quotes (""):

name = "John"
address = '123 Main St'


Boolean data types indicate the presence of either one of two values: True or False.

x = True
y = False


Python supports the print() function for displaying output.

print("The value of x is:", x)

Output: The value of x is: 10


Python is a dynamically-typed language, which means that the type of a variable is determined at runtime based on the type of data that is assigned to it.

The built-in data types in Python are:

  • Integer (int)
  • Float (float)
  • String (str)
  • Boolean (bool)
  • Complex (complex)
  • List (list)
  • Tuple (tuple)
  • Set (set)
  • Dictionary (dict)


Understanding Python data types is essential for developing any Python application or program. By correctly defining the data types in your program, you can ensure that your code runs without any errors and is optimized for performance.

Important Points

  • Python is a dynamically-typed language.
  • Python has several built-in data types, such as integers, floats, strings, and booleans.
  • Python supports the print() function for displaying output.


Python provides developers with various built-in data types to store different types of data. Understanding these data types is crucial for writing robust and performant Python code. The most commonly used data types are Integers, Floats, Strings, and Booleans. Python also has support for more advanced data types like List, Tuple, Set, and Dictionary.

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