  1. python-listbox

Python Listbox

A listbox is a widget in Python that displays a list of options to the user. It allows the user to select one or multiple options from the list.


To create a listbox in Python, you can use the Listbox class in the tkinter module. The syntax for creating a listbox is as follows:

listbox = Listbox(parent, options)

Here, parent represents the parent widget in which the listbox will be placed. The options parameter is a dictionary of options that can be used to configure the listbox.


from tkinter import *

root = Tk()

# Create a listbox
listbox = Listbox(root)

# Add some items to the listbox
listbox.insert(0, "Option 1")
listbox.insert(1, "Option 2")
listbox.insert(2, "Option 3")
listbox.insert(3, "Option 4")
listbox.insert(4, "Option 5")

# Pack the listbox and run the main loop


The above code will create a window containing a listbox with the options "Option 1" through "Option 5".


In the above example, we first create a new Tk object to create our window. We then create a new Listbox object and add some items to it using the insert method.

Finally, we pack the listbox using the pack method and run the main loop to display the window.


Listboxes are commonly used in GUI programming to allow the user to make a selection from a list of options. They are useful in situations where the user needs to choose between multiple options or select items from a list.

Important Points

  • The Listbox widget is used to display a list of options to the user.
  • You can add items to the listbox using the insert method.
  • The pack method is used to position the listbox within its parent widget.
  • Listboxes are commonly used in GUI programming to allow the user to make a selection from a list of options.


In this tutorial, we learned how to create a listbox in Python using the tkinter module. We also covered how to add items to the listbox and how to display it within a parent widget. Listboxes are an important widget in GUI programming and are used frequently to allow the user to select items from a list of options.

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