  1. maria-db-update

Update - (MariaDB CRUD Operation)

Update is a CRUD operation that allows you to modify existing records in a database table. In MariaDB, it can be done using the UPDATE statement.


UPDATE table_name
SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ...
WHERE condition;

Here, table_name is the name of the table you want to update, column1, column2, etc. are the names of the columns you want to update, and value1, value2, etc. are the new values you want to give to those columns. The WHERE clause specifies the condition for which records should be updated.


Here is an example of using the UPDATE statement to modify a record in a students table:

UPDATE students
SET grade = 'B'
WHERE id = 1;


Executing the above SQL statement will modify the grade column of the student with id 1 to be 'B'.


In the above SQL code, we are updating the students table and setting the grade column of the student with id 1 to be 'B'. The WHERE clause specifies that only the record with id 1 should be updated.


The UPDATE statement is used when you need to modify existing records in a database table. It is commonly used in conjunction with other CRUD operations to manage persistent data in a database.

Important Points

  • UPDATE is a CRUD operation that allows you to modify existing records in a database table.
  • The UPDATE statement in MariaDB has a specific syntax that includes the SET and WHERE clauses.
  • UPDATE is commonly used in conjunction with other CRUD operations to manage persistent data in a database.


In summary, the UPDATE statement in MariaDB is a powerful tool for modifying existing records in a database table. It has a specific syntax that includes the SET and WHERE clauses. When used in conjunction with other CRUD operations, UPDATE can help manage persistent data in a database.

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