  1. maria-db-count-function

COUNT Function - (MariaDB Aggregate Functions)

The COUNT function in MariaDB is an aggregate function that returns the number of rows that match a specified condition. It is used to count the number of items in a table or a specific column.


The basic syntax for using the COUNT function in MariaDB is as follows:

SELECT COUNT(column_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;

Here, column_name is the name of the column to count, table_name is the name of the table to count from, and condition is the optional condition that restricts which rows to count.


Consider the following table named products:

id name price
1 Product 1 10.50
2 Product 2 5.99
3 Product 3 7.99
4 Product 4 12.00
5 Product 5 5.99

The following SQL statement will count the number of products with a price less than or equal to 10 dollars:

FROM products
WHERE price <= 10.00;


The result of the above SQL statement would be:



In the above example, we are using the COUNT function to count the number of products with a price less than or equal to 10 dollars. We specify the column id to count, the table products to count from, and the condition price <= 10.00 to restrict which rows to count. The output is 3 because there are 3 products in the products table with a price less than or equal to 10 dollars.


The COUNT function is commonly used to obtain the number of rows that meet certain criteria in a table. It is often used in conjunction with other aggregate functions, such as AVG and SUM, to perform more complex data analysis.

Important Points

  • The COUNT function in MariaDB is an aggregate function that returns the number of rows that match a specified condition.
  • The COUNT function can be used to count the number of items in a table or a specific column.
  • The basic syntax for using the COUNT function is SELECT COUNT(column_name) FROM table_name WHERE condition;
  • The COUNT function is commonly used in data analysis to obtain the number of rows that meet certain criteria.


In summary, the COUNT function in MariaDB is a powerful aggregate function that can be used to count the number of rows that match a specified condition. It is widely used in data analysis to obtain the number of rows that meet certain criteria. The basic syntax for using the COUNT function is simple and straightforward, making it a valuable tool for developers and analysts alike.

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