  1. maria-db-create-database

Create Database - (MariaDB Database)

In MariaDB, a database is a collection of tables that are organized for efficient storage and retrieval of data. Creating a database involves defining the name of the database and any configuration options that are needed.


The syntax for creating a database in MariaDB is as follows:

CREATE DATABASE database_name;

Here, database_name is the name of the new database that you want to create.


Here is an example of creating a new database called employees in MariaDB:



Executing the SQL statement will create a new database called employees.


In the above example, we are using the CREATE DATABASE statement to create a new database called employees. This database will initially have no tables or data.


Creating a database in MariaDB is the first step in building a functional database system. Once a database is created, it can be populated with tables and data and can be used to store and retrieve information for various applications.

Important Points

  • A database is a collection of tables that are organized for efficient storage and retrieval of data.
  • MariaDB uses the CREATE DATABASE statement to create a new database.
  • The syntax for creating a database in MariaDB is CREATE DATABASE database_name;.
  • Creating a database is the first step in building a functional database system.


Creating a database is an essential step in building a functional database system in MariaDB. The CREATE DATABASE statement is used to create a new database, and the database name is required to be specified. Once a database is created, tables can be created within it, along with the storage and retrieval of related data.

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