  1. maria-db-like-clauses

LIKE Clauses - (MariaDB Clauses)

The LIKE clauses in MariaDB are used to perform pattern matching in SQL queries.


There are two types of LIKE clauses in MariaDB:

  1. LIKE - used to search for a pattern in a string
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name LIKE pattern;
  1. REGEXP - used to search for a regular expression pattern in a string
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name REGEXP pattern;

Here, table_name is the name of the table, column_name is the name of the column in the table, and pattern is the pattern or regular expression to be matched.


Here is an example of using the LIKE clause to find all employees whose name starts with "J":

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name LIKE 'J%';

And here is an example of using the REGEXP clause to find all employees whose name starts with "J" or "K":

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name REGEXP '^[JK].*';


The output of the SQL queries will be the rows of data that match the pattern or regular expression used in the query.


In the above examples, the LIKE and REGEXP clauses are used to search for patterns in the name column of the employees table. In the first example, the LIKE clause is used to find all employees whose name starts with "J" by using the "J%" pattern. In the second example, the REGEXP clause is used to find all employees whose name starts with "J" or "K" by using the regular expression ^[JK].*.


The LIKE clauses in MariaDB are used for pattern matching in SQL queries. They are useful for searching for data that matches a certain pattern or regular expression.

Important Points

  • MariaDB has two types of LIKE clauses: LIKE and REGEXP.
  • The LIKE clause is used to search for a pattern in a string.
  • The REGEXP clause is used to search for a regular expression pattern in a string.
  • LIKE clauses are useful for matching patterns and regular expressions in SQL queries.


In summary, LIKE clauses in MariaDB are used for pattern matching in SQL queries. They are useful for searching for data that matches a certain pattern or regular expression. MariaDB has two types of LIKE clauses: LIKE and REGEXP, which can be used depending on the type of pattern or regular expression being searched for.

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