  1. maria-db-features

Features - (MariaDB Tutorial)

MariaDB is a free and open-source relational database management system that is a community-driven fork of the MySQL database management system. It offers many advanced features and improvements over MySQL, making it a popular choice for developers and organizations around the world.


MariaDB uses SQL as its primary language, so the syntax for MariaDB depends on the specific SQL statements being used. Some common SQL statements used in MariaDB include:

  • SELECT: used to retrieve data from a database table
  • INSERT: used to insert new data into a database table
  • UPDATE: used to update existing data in a database table
  • DELETE: used to delete data from a database table
  • CREATE: used to create a new database table or other database objects
  • ALTER: used to modify an existing database table or other database objects
  • DROP: used to delete a database table or other database objects
  • GRANT: used to assign privileges to users or roles


Here is an example of using the CREATE TABLE SQL statement in MariaDB to create a table called students with columns for student ID, first name, last name, and major:

CREATE TABLE students (
    first_name VARCHAR(50),
    last_name VARCHAR(50),
    major VARCHAR(50)


When executed, this SQL statement will create a new table called students with columns for student ID, first name, last name, and major.


In the above SQL code, we are using the CREATE TABLE statement to create a new table called students with columns for student ID, first name, last name, and major. We are also specifying the data types for each column using INT and VARCHAR, and setting the primary key to be the id column.


MariaDB offers many advanced features and improvements over MySQL, including:

  • Improved performance and scalability
  • Advanced security features, such as native encryption and authentication plugins
  • High availability and replication features
  • Support for many storage engines, including InnoDB and MyRocks
  • Compatibility with many MySQL applications and tools

These features make MariaDB a popular choice for developers and organizations that need a powerful and flexible database management system.

Important Points

  • MariaDB is a community-driven fork of the MySQL database management system.
  • It offers many advanced features and improvements over MySQL, including improved performance, security, and high availability.
  • MariaDB uses SQL as its primary language, so syntax depends on the specific SQL statements being used.
  • MariaDB is compatible with many MySQL applications and tools.


In summary, MariaDB is a free and open-source relational database management system that offers many advanced features and improvements over MySQL. It is a popular choice for developers and organizations that need a powerful and flexible database management system. MariaDB uses SQL as its primary language, and it is compatible with many MySQL applications and tools.

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