  1. maria-db-select-database

Select Database - (MariaDB Database)

MariaDB is a popular open-source relational database management system that is a fork of the MySQL database system. It is designed to be a drop-in replacement for MySQL and provides many of the same features and functionality.


The syntax for selecting a specific database in MariaDB is as follows:

USE database_name;

Here, database_name is the name of the database you want to select.


Here is an example of selecting a database called "employees" in MariaDB:

USE employees;


Executing the USE statement will select the "employees" database, which means that any subsequent SQL statements will operate on the tables and data within that database.


In the above SQL code, we are selecting the "employees" database using the USE statement. This means that any SQL statements that we execute after this statement will operate on data within that database. If we had multiple databases, we would need to use the USE statement to select the database we want to work with.


When working with a relational database management system like MariaDB, it is common to have multiple databases that contain different data. Selecting the appropriate database is necessary before executing any SQL statements that involve that data.

Important Points

  • MariaDB is an open-source relational database management system that is a fork of MySQL.
  • The USE statement in SQL is used to select a specific database to work with.
  • Selecting the appropriate database is necessary before executing any SQL statements that involve that data.


In summary, selecting a specific database is an important step when working with a relational database management system like MariaDB. The USE statement is used in SQL to select the appropriate database, which allows you to execute SQL statements on the data within that database.

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