  1. maria-db-avg-function

AVG Function - (MariaDB Aggregate Functions)

The AVG function in MariaDB is used to calculate the average value of a set of values in a column of a table. It is one of many aggregate functions available in MariaDB.


The syntax for the AVG function in MariaDB is as follows:


Here, expression is the column or expression for which you want to calculate the average.


Consider a table called student_marks with columns name and marks. To calculate the average of the marks, we can use the following SQL query:

SELECT AVG(marks) FROM student_marks;


Executing the above SQL query will output the average of all the marks in the student_marks table.


In the above SQL query, we are using the AVG function to calculate the average of all the marks in the student_marks table. The marks are passed as the argument to the AVG function. The result of the AVG function is the average of all the marks in the table.


The AVG function in MariaDB is useful for calculating averages of a set of values, such as exam marks, sales figures, or stock prices. It can be used in combination with other SQL clauses, such as SELECT, GROUP BY, and WHERE, to generate more complex queries and reports.

Important Points

  • The AVG function in MariaDB is used to calculate the average of a set of values in a column of a table.
  • It takes the column or expression for which you want the average as the argument.
  • The result of the AVG function is the average of all the values in the column.


In summary, the AVG function in MariaDB is a useful aggregate function for calculating the average of a set of values in a column of a table. It is a simple and convenient way to derive insights from large datasets and can be used in combination with other SQL clauses to generate more complex queries and reports.

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