  1. maria-db-data-types

Data Types - (MariaDB Tutorial)

Data types are an essential part of any database management system. They help to define the type and format of data that can be stored in a database. In MariaDB, there are various data types that are used to specify the nature of the data being stored.


The syntax for data types in MariaDB is as follows:

column_name data_type (optional_parameters) [NULL | NOT NULL] [DEFAULT default_value];

Here, column_name is the name of the column, data_type is the type of the data being stored, optional_parameters are any additional parameters required by the data type, NULL | NOT NULL specifies whether the column can have null values, and DEFAULT default_value defines a default value for the column.


Here's an example of creating a table in MariaDB with different data types:

CREATE TABLE employees (
  name VARCHAR(50),
  age INT,
  salary FLOAT(10,2)


Creating a table with the SQL statement above will create a new table called employees with columns for id, name, age, and salary.


In the above SQL code, we are creating a new table called employees with four columns: id of type INT with the primary key constraint, name of type VARCHAR with a maximum length of 50 characters, age of type INT, and salary of type FLOAT with a precision of 10 digits and 2 decimal places.


Data types are essential for specifying the type and format of data that can be stored in a database. The choice of data type will depend on the nature of the data being stored and its intended use.

Important Points

  • Data types are used to specify the type and format of data being stored in a database.
  • MariaDB supports various data types, including string, numeric, and date/time data types.
  • The choice of data type depends on the nature of the data being stored and its intended use.
  • Data types can also have optional parameters that further define the nature of the data being stored.


In summary, data types are essential for defining the type and format of data being stored in a database. MariaDB supports various data types, including string, numeric, and date/time data types. The choice of data type will depend on the nature of the data being stored and its intended use.

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