  1. maria-db-max-function

MAX Function - (MariaDB Aggregate Functions)

The MAX function in MariaDB is an aggregate function that returns the maximum value of a specified column in a table. It can be used to retrieve the highest value of a column or the latest date/time in a datetime column, among other use cases.


The syntax for using the MAX function in MariaDB is as follows:

SELECT MAX(column_name) FROM table_name;

Here, column_name is the name of the column from which you want to retrieve the maximum value, and table_name is the name of the table containing the column.


Consider a table called students with columns for id, name, and age. Here is an example of using the MAX function to retrieve the oldest student in the table:

SELECT MAX(age) FROM students;


Executing the above SQL statement will output the maximum age of the students in the table. For example, if the oldest student in the table is 21 years old, the output will be:



In the above SQL code, we are using the MAX function to retrieve the maximum value in the age column of the students table. The function returns the value 21, which represents the oldest age in the table.


The MAX function can be used in a wide range of scenarios, including:

  • Retrieving the highest salary in a table of employees
  • Finding the latest date/time of a column containing datetime values
  • Getting the highest numerical score in a table of test results, among others.

Important Points

  • The MAX function in MariaDB is used to retrieve the maximum value of a specified column in a table.
  • It is an aggregate function that requires a table and a column name to function.
  • The function can be used to retrieve the highest value of a column, among other use cases.


In summary, the MAX function in MariaDB is an aggregate function that retrieves the maximum value of a specified column in a table. It can be used to retrieve the highest value of a column or the latest date/time in a datetime column. The MAX function is a useful tool in a variety of data analysis scenarios.

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