  1. maria-db-min-function

MIN Function - (MariaDB Aggregate Functions)

The MIN function is a built-in MariaDB Aggregate Function that is used to find the minimum value in a set of values. It can be used in SELECT statements to return the minimum value of a selected column.


SELECT MIN(column_name) FROM table_name;

Here, column_name is the name of the column that we want to find the minimum value for, and table_name is the name of the table in which the column is stored.


Consider the following sample table named employees:

id first_name last_name age
1 John Smith 30
2 Jane Doe 25
3 Bob Johnson 40

We can find the minimum age of the employees using the following SQL query:

SELECT MIN(age) FROM employees;


The above SQL query will return the following output:



In the above query, we are selecting the minimum value of the age column from the employees table using the MIN function.


The MIN function can be used in a variety of situations to find the minimum value of a set of data. For example, it can be used to find the minimum price of a product, the minimum time taken to complete a task, or the minimum score in a game.

Important Points

  • The MIN function is a built-in MariaDB Aggregate Function that is used to find the minimum value in a set of values.
  • It can be used in SELECT statements to return the minimum value of a selected column.
  • The MIN function can be used to find the minimum value in a variety of situations.


In summary, the MIN function is a built-in MariaDB Aggregate Function that is used to find the minimum value in a set of values. It can be used in SELECT statements to return the minimum value of a selected column. The MIN function can be used to find the minimum value in a variety of situations, including finding the minimum price of a product, the minimum time taken to complete a task, or the minimum score in a game.

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