  1. maria-db-from

FROM - (MariaDB Clauses)

The FROM clause in MariaDB is used to specify the table or tables from which the data should be retrieved in a SELECT statement. This clause is required in every SELECT statement in which data is being retrieved from one or more tables.


The syntax for using the FROM clause in a SELECT statement is as follows:

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name

Here, column1, column2, etc. are the names of the columns in the table that you want to retrieve data from. table_name is the name of the table that contains the data.


Here is an example of how to use the FROM clause in a SELECT statement in MariaDB:

FROM employees;


Executing the above query will retrieve all the columns and rows from the employees table.


In the above example, we are using the SELECT statement with the FROM clause to select all of the columns and rows from the employees table.


The FROM clause in MariaDB is used to specify the table or tables from which data should be retrieved in a SELECT statement. This is important in cases where data is stored across multiple tables and needs to be retrieved from all of them at once.

Important Points

  • The FROM clause is required in every SELECT statement in which data is being retrieved from one or more tables.
  • Use the FROM clause to specify the table or tables from which data should be retrieved.
  • The FROM clause is important in cases where data is stored across multiple tables and needs to be retrieved from all of them at once.


In summary, the FROM clause in MariaDB is an essential part of the syntax used for a SELECT statement. The clause specifies the table or tables from which data should be retrieved. This is critical when data is stored across multiple tables and needs to be retrieved from all of them at once.

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