  1. kivy-widgets

Widgets - Kivy Basics


In this tutorial, we will discuss the basics of widgets in the Kivy framework. Widgets are the building blocks of any Kivy application. They provide the visual and interactive components for the user interface.


The basic syntax for creating a widget in Kivy is as follows:

    # Properties and Actions

Here, the widget is defined by the keyword Widget. Within the widget, you may specify any properties or actions that you would like to associate with the widget.

It is important to note that widgets may be nested within other widgets to create complex layouts.


Let's take a look at an example of how to create a simple button widget in Kivy.

    text: "Click me!"
    on_press: self.background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1)
    on_release: self.background_color = (0, 1, 0, 1)

In this example, we define a button widget using the Button keyword. We assign it some text, and then specify two actions to perform: one when the button is pressed and another when it is released.

When the button is pressed, it will change its background color to red, and when it is released, it will change back to green.


In the example above, we use a shorthand syntax to create the button widget. This is known as the Kv language, which is used to define the user interface of a Kivy application.

  • text: This property specifies the text to display on the button.
  • on_press: This action is triggered when the button is pressed. Here, we assign a tuple containing four values to the background_color property of the button. These values represent the red, green, blue, and alpha (transparency) channels of the color to use for the background.
  • on_release: This action is triggered when the button is released. We assign a different color tuple to the background_color property to restore the button's original color.


Widgets are used to create the user interface of a Kivy application. They provide the visual and interactive components that allow the user to interact with the application. Widgets can be used in many ways, including:

  • As the main building blocks of the application's user interface.
  • To create custom user interface elements that can be reused throughout the application.
  • To provide interactive elements such as buttons, checkboxes, sliders, etc.

Important Points

  • Kivy widgets are defined using the Kv language.
  • Widgets can be nested within other widgets to create complex layouts.
  • Widgets can be customized using properties and actions.
  • Properties define the visual and interactive characteristics of the widget.
  • Actions are used to respond to user input or other events.


In this tutorial, we discussed the basics of widgets in the Kivy framework. We looked at the syntax for defining a widget and demonstrated how to create a simple button widget. We also discussed some of the key properties and actions that can be used to customize widgets.

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