  1. kivy-text-inputs

Text Inputs - UI Design with Kivy

Heading h2: Introduction

Text Inputs are important widgets in a graphical user interface. They allow users to enter text, numbers, and other characters. In Kivy, TextInputs are used to accept user input and allow users to interact with the app.


    multiline: False  # True means that there are more than one line available. False means one line


from import App
from kivy.uix.textinput import TextInput

class MyTextInputApp(App):
    def build(self):
        self.text_input = TextInput(text='Enter Text Here', multiline=False)
        return self.text_input

if __name__ == "__main__":


The output of the above code will be a single-line text input box with a pre-written text Enter Text Here.


The above code creates a TextInput widget with default parameters. Here are some of the important properties of the TextInput widget -

  • text - Default text to display in the TextInput box.
  • multiline - Specifies whether the TextInput box should allow multiple lines. In the above example, it is set to False, i.e., it allows only one line.


Text Inputs can be used in a variety of applications. Some examples are:

  • Login forms - where users enter their usernames and passwords
  • Contact details - where users enter their names, email addresses, phone numbers, etc.
  • Search bars - where users enter their query to search for content

Important Points

  • Text Inputs are an important component of a graphical user interface.
  • Kivy provides TextInput widget for accepting user input.
  • TextInputs can have multiline or single-line.
  • TextInput default text and other properties can be customized.


This tutorial covered the basics of Text Inputs in Kivy UI design. We learned how to create a line TextInput widget, customize its properties and understand its use cases.

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