  1. kivy-properties

Properties - Kivy Basics

Kivy is a cross-platform framework used for developing applications. It has a powerful property system that makes it easier to create and manipulate UI elements.

In Kivy, properties are defined as special attributes that define the state of an object. These properties can be used to control the behavior of an object and respond to user actions.


The syntax for creating a property in Kivy is very simple.

from import NumericProperty

class MyClass(Widget):
    my_property = NumericProperty(default_value)

In the above code, we first import the NumericProperty class from the module. Then, we create a new class MyClass which is a Widget and define a new property my_property with a default value default_value.


Let's create a simple example to demonstrate how properties work in Kivy.

from import App
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from import StringProperty

class TestApp(App):
    message = StringProperty('Welcome to Kivy')

    def build(self):
        return Button(text=self.message)


In the above code, we create a simple application that displays a button with the text "Welcome to Kivy". We define a new property message with a default value of "Welcome to Kivy". This property is used to set the text of the button.


When you run the above code, it will display a window with a button that says "Welcome to Kivy".


In the example above, we define a new class TestApp which is a subclass of App. We define a new property message with a default value of "Welcome to Kivy". This property is used to set the text of the button in the build() method.

The StringProperty class is used to define a property that stores a string value.


Properties are used extensively in Kivy to define the behavior of UI elements. They can be used to respond to user inputs, update the state of an object and change the appearance of the UI.

Important Points

  • Properties are defined as special attributes that define the state of an object.
  • Properties can be used to control the behavior of an object and respond to user actions.
  • The module provides several classes to define different types of properties.
  • Properties are used extensively in Kivy to define the behavior of UI elements.


In this tutorial, we learned about properties in Kivy and how they can be used to define the behavior of UI elements. We also looked at some examples and important points to keep in mind when using properties in Kivy.

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