  1. kivy-customizing-graphics

Customizing Graphics - Kivy Graphics and Drawing

Kivy is an open-source Python library that allows you to create cross-platform applications. Kivy provides a variety of tools and widgets for creating graphical user interfaces. Kivy also provides tools for customizing graphics and drawing.


with instruction:

The above syntax is used to customize the graphics and drawing in Kivy. The instruction can be any graphic instruction, such as Rectangle, Circle or Line.


from import App
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
from import Color, Rectangle

class CustomWidget(Widget):
    def draw_rectangle(self):
        with self.canvas:
            Color(1, 0, 0, mode='rgba')
            Rectangle(pos=(100, 100), size=(200, 200))
class CustomizingGraphicsApp(App):
    def build(self):
        return CustomWidget()

if __name__ == '__main__':


The above example creates a red-colored rectangle with a size of 200x200 pixels.



In the above example, we created a CustomWidget class which inherits from Widget. We added a draw_rectangle function to the class to draw a rectangle.

In the draw_rectangle function, we used the with statement along with the canvas property of the CustomWidget class. The Color function is used to set the color of the rectangle, and Rectangle is used to draw a rectangle in the specified position and size.

Finally, we created a CustomizingGraphicsApp class which inherits from App. In the build function of the CustomizingGraphicsApp, we returned an instance of CustomWidget. When we run the CustomizingGraphicsApp application, it creates an instance of CustomWidget on the screen and draws a red-colored rectangle at the specified position and size.


Kivy graphics and drawing can be used to create custom widgets, animations, and visual effects in Kivy applications. This can be especially useful in game development, data visualization, and multimedia applications.

Important Points

  • The Color class is used to set the color of graphics and drawing in Kivy.
  • The Rectangle, Circle, and Line functions are used to draw shapes in Kivy.
  • Graphics and drawing in Kivy can be used to create custom widgets, animations, and visual effects.


In this tutorial, we learned about customizing graphics and drawing in Kivy. We also learned about the Color, Rectangle, Circle, and Line functions in Kivy. Finally, we discussed the use cases and importance of customizing graphics and drawing in Kivy applications.

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