  1. kivy-loading-and-saving-files

Loading and Saving Files - (Kivy File Handling)

Often, we need to save and load files such as text files, images, audio, or video in a program. Kivy, being a multi-platform graphical framework, provides API for loading and saving different types of files.


The syntax for loading and saving files using Kivy is as follows:

# for loading file
file = open('filename.ext', 'rb')

# for reading the content of a file
content =

# for closing the file

# for saving file
file = open('filename.ext', 'wb')

# for writing content into the file

# for closing the file


Here is an example of loading and saving files in Kivy using the above syntax:

from import App
from kivy.uix.button import Button

class FileHandlingExample(App):
    def build(self):
        # loading file
        with open('sample.txt', 'r') as file:
            content =

        # saving file
        with open('output.txt', 'w') as file:

        return Button(text='Files saved and read successfully!')



The above example loads the content of the sample.txt file and prints it on the console. It then saves the content into the output.txt file. The output of the program will display a Kivy button with the message "Files saved and read successfully!".


  • open('filename.ext', 'rb'): The open function is used to load the file with the given filename. The second argument 'rb' specifies that the file is opened for reading in binary mode. You can use 'r' for text files and 'w' to create a new text file or overwrite an existing file.
  • The read function is called on the file object to read the content of the file.
  • open('filename.ext', 'wb'): The open function is used to create a new file with the specified filename. The second argument 'wb' specifies that the file is opened for writing in binary mode. You can use 'w' instead of 'wb' to create a new text file or overwrite an existing text file.
  • file.write(content): The write function is called on the file object to write the content of the variable content into the file.


You can use Kivy's file handling API to:

  • Load and read data from files such as images, audio, video files, text files, etc.
  • Save data to files such as images, audio, video files, text files, etc.
  • Manipulate file properties like filename, path, creation date, modification date, etc.

Important Points

  • Always ensure to close the file using the close() function after use.
  • You can use the with statement to automatically close a file after use without explicitly calling the close() function.


In this tutorial, we learned how to load and save files using Kivy's file handling API. We also learned about different functions used to work with files, along with an example, output, explanation, use, and important points.

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