  1. kivy-using-kivyfor-networking

Using Kivy for Networking

Kivy is a popular Python framework for building cross-platform, mobile, and desktop applications. It also provides support for networking functionality, making it easy to communicate with other devices or servers.


To use networking functionality in Kivy, you need to import the necessary modules:

import socket
from import UrlRequest

Creating a Socket

You can create a socket in Kivy with the following code:

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

Where AF_INET is the address family and SOCK_STREAM is the socket type.

Sending Data

To send data through the socket, use the send() method:

message = "Hello, server!"

Receiving Data

To receive data from the socket, use the recv() method:

data = s.recv(1024)

Here, 1024 is the buffer size of the data being received.

Making an HTTP Request

To make an HTTP request in Kivy, use the UrlRequest class:

UrlRequest('', on_success=self.success_callback, on_error=self.error_callback)

Here, the on_success and on_error parameters are callbacks that will be called when the request succeeds or fails, respectively.


Here's an example program that demonstrates networking in Kivy:

import socket
from import UrlRequest

class MySocketApp(App):

    def build(self):
        # Send message with socket
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        s.connect(('localhost', 1234))
        message = "Hello, server!"
        data = s.recv(1024)

        # Make HTTP request with UrlRequest
        UrlRequest('', on_success=self.success_callback, on_error=self.error_callback)

    def success_callback(self, urlrequest, result):

    def error_callback(self, urlrequest, error):

if __name__ == '__main__':


Hello, client!
{u'completed': False, u'id': 1, u'title': u'delectus aut autem', u'userId': 1}


This code sends a message to a server running on localhost and port 1234. It then receives a response back and prints it to the console.

It also makes an HTTP request to the URL and prints the result to the console.


Using Kivy for networking is useful for building apps that need to send or receive data from other devices or servers. Examples of such apps include chat apps, social media apps, and IoT apps.

Important Points

  • Kivy provides several modules for networking functionality, including socket and UrlRequest
  • Sockets can be used to send and receive data with other devices or servers
  • UrlRequest can be used to make HTTP requests and receive data from web servers
  • Networking in Kivy is useful for building apps that need to communicate with other devices or servers


Kivy is a powerful framework that provides easy-to-use networking functionality. With its support for sockets and HTTP requests, it's ideal for building apps that need to communicate with other devices or servers.

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