  1. kivy-handling-events

Handling Events - Kivy Events and Interactions

Kivy is a Python framework that enables the development of multi-touch interactive applications on various platforms, such as macOS, Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS. Kivy provides support for handling various user inputs, such as touch, mouse, and keyboard events, allowing developers to create engaging, interactive user interfaces.

How to Handle Events in Kivy

To handle events in Kivy, you need to define event callbacks in your application's widget class. Event callbacks are Python functions that are triggered when certain events occur, such as a button press, a touch, or a mouse movement.

The basic syntax for defining an event callback in Kivy is as follows:

def on_event(self, *args):
    # handle the event here

Here, on_event is the name of the event callback function. The self parameter refers to the instance of the widget class that the callback is defined in. The *args parameter allows the callback to receive any additional positional arguments, depending on the event type.

To hook up the event callback to the widget, you need to bind the event to the widget's bind() method. The bind() method takes two parameters: the name of the event and the event callback function.


Here, widget is the instance of the widget class that you want to bind the event to, and event_name is the name of the event that you want to bind the callback function to.


Example 1: Handling Button Press Events

from import App
from kivy.uix.button import Button

class MyButton(Button):
    def on_press(self):
        print('Button pressed!')

class TestApp(App):
    def build(self):
        return MyButton(text='Press me!')


In this example, we define a custom widget class MyButton that inherits from the Button widget class. We override the on_press() method to handle the button press event and print a message to the console.

We then create an instance of MyButton and return it from the build() method of our TestApp class, which is the entry point of our application. Finally, we run the application using the run() method of our TestApp instance.

Example 2: Handling Touch Events

from import App
from kivy.uix.label import Label

class TouchLabel(Label):
    def on_touch_down(self, touch):
        self.text = f'Touch down at ({touch.pos[0]}, {touch.pos[1]})'
    def on_touch_move(self, touch):
        self.text = f'Touch move to ({touch.pos[0]}, {touch.pos[1]})'
    def on_touch_up(self, touch):
        self.text = f'Touch up at ({touch.pos[0]}, {touch.pos[1]})'

class TestApp(App):
    def build(self):
        return TouchLabel(text='Touch me!')


In this example, we define a custom widget class TouchLabel that inherits from the Label widget class. We override the on_touch_down(), on_touch_move(), and on_touch_up() methods to handle touch events and update the label text accordingly.

We then create an instance of TouchLabel and return it from the build() method of our TestApp class. Finally, we run the application using the run() method of our TestApp instance.


The output of our examples will be a Kivy window that displays the widget that we created, such as a button or a label. When we interact with the widget by pressing a button or touching the screen, the respective event callback function will be triggered and perform the specified action, such as printing a message to the console or updating the widget's text.


In these examples, we have demonstrated how to handle different types of events in Kivy, including button press and touch events. We have created custom widget classes that inherit from existing Kivy widgets and defined event callback functions that perform specific actions when a certain event occurs.

To bind the event callback to the widget, we have used the bind() method of the widget class, which takes the name of the event and the callback function as parameters.


Events and interactions are an essential part of any interactive application. By using Kivy's event handling framework, developers can create engaging, interactive user interfaces that respond to user inputs, such as touch, mouse, and keyboard events. This enables the creation of rich multimedia applications, such as games, educational apps, and multimedia tools.

Important Points

  • To handle events in Kivy, you need to define event callbacks in your widget class.
  • Event callbacks are Python functions that are triggered when certain events occur, such as a button press, a touch, or a mouse movement.
  • To hook up the event callback to the widget, you need to bind the event to the widget's bind() method.
  • Kivy provides built-in support for handling different types of events, such as touch, mouse, and keyboard events.
  • Kivy's event handling framework enables the creation of rich multimedia applications that respond to user interactions.


In this tutorial, we have learned how to handle events and interactions in Kivy using event callbacks and the bind() method of the widget class. We have demonstrated how to create custom widget classes that handle different types of events, such as button press and touch events. We have also explored the output, explanation, use, and important points of event handling in Kivy.

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