Styling with Kivy Language - UI Design with Kivy
Kivy is a Python GUI library that allows developers to quickly create cross-platform applications with beautiful and interactive user interfaces. Kivy uses a custom language called Kivy Language (KV) to describe the user interface and the behaviors of all the widgets in the application. KV provides a simple, intuitive, and powerful way to design and style your application.
The syntax of Kivy Language is based on indentation, similar to Python. Here is an example of KV code:
text: "Hello, Kivy!"
color: 0, 1, 0, 1
font_size: 40
In the above example, we are defining a custom label widget called MyLabel
and setting its text, color and font size properties.
Here is a simple example of using KV language to style an application:
from import App
from kivy.uix.button import Button
class MyButton(Button):
class MyApp(App):
def build(self):
return MyButton(text='Click me')
if __name__ == '__main__':
We can create a kv
file named my.kv
and define the style for MyButton
background_normal: 'button_normal.png'
background_down: 'button_pressed.png'
color: 0, 1, 0, 1
In the above example, we set the background images and text color for MyButton
When we run the above code, it will display a button with a green text on it, and clicking on it will change the background image to a pressed state image.
In the above example, we first defined a custom widget called MyButton
which inherits from the Button
widget. Next, we created our App
class called MyApp
, and in its build()
method, we returned an instance of MyButton
In the KV code, we set the background_normal
and background_down
properties to the filenames of the images we want to use for the normal and pressed states of the button. We also set the text color to green.
The KV language can be used to:
- Define the user interface of the application.
- Set the style of each of the widgets, such as background, text color, font, etc.
- Define the behavior of the widgets, such as on_press, on_release, on_touch_down, etc.
Important Points
- KV code can be used to apply a global style to the entire application or to specific widgets.
- KV supports inheritance, which allows us to create a base style and then inherit and modify it in another widget.
- KV files must have the same name as the class it is styling, with a
this tutorial, we learned about Kivy Language, syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of styling with Kivy Language. Kivy Language provides a simple and powerful way to create and style user interfaces in Python. With Kivy Language, you can easily apply custom styles to each of the widgets in your application.