  1. kivy-advanced-animation-techniques

Advanced Animation Techniques with Kivy


Kivy is an open-source Python library for creating innovative user interfaces. It is designed to provide an easy and efficient way to work with high-performance user interfaces, regardless of the platform you're targeting. Kivy's animation module is a powerful tool for adding captivating animations to your user interface.


The Animation class in Kivy is used to create animations. The basic syntax for creating an animation is as follows:

from kivy.animation import Animation

anim = Animation(property=value, duration=seconds)

In the above code, property is the property of the widget you want to animate, value is the new value that you want to set for that property, and duration is the length of the animation in seconds.

After creating the animation object, you use the start() method to begin the animation on the specified widget.


Here is an example of animating the position of a widget:

from kivy.base import runTouchApp
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.animation import Animation

btn = Button(text="Hello, World!", size_hint=(None, None), pos=(100, 100))
anim = Animation(x=300, y=300, duration=2)
anim += Animation(x=100, y=100, duration=2)
anim += Animation(x=500, y=100, duration=2)
anim.repeat = True


In the above example, we create a button widget with the text "Hello, World!" and position it at (100, 100). We then create an animation object that moves the button to the position (300, 300) over 2 seconds. We also add two more animations that move the button to other positions. Finally, we set the repeat property to True to make the animation loop continuously. We then start the animation on the button widget and display it using the Kivy runTouchApp method.


The above example will animate the button from its initial position at (100, 100) to (300, 300), and then to (100, 100) and finally to (500, 100). This will be repeated indefinitely.


The animation is created using the Animation class and specifying the x and y properties of the button widget to be changed. We specify three separate animations in this example, each with a different target position specified by the x and y values.

We set the duration of each animation to 2 seconds. This means that each animation will take 2 seconds to complete.

Finally, we set the repeat property of the animation to True to make it loop indefinitely.


The Kivy animation module can be used to add motion and visual interest to your user interfaces. Animations can be used to show changes in state, highlight important information, or simply to make your interface more visually appealing. With Kivy, you can easily animate properties such as size, position, opacity, and much more.

Important Points

  • The Animation class in Kivy is used to create animations.
  • You can animate properties such as size, position, opacity, and much more.
  • Animations can be used to show changes in state, highlight important information, or simply to make your interface more visually appealing.


In this tutorial, we learned how to use the Kivy animation module to create captivating animations for our user interfaces. We covered the basic syntax for creating animations, demonstrated an example, and discussed important points to keep in mind when working with animations in Kivy. With these tools, you can create dynamic and engaging user interfaces that will keep your users coming back for more.

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