  1. kivy-animation-in-kivy

Animation in Kivy

Kivy is an open-source Python GUI framework that provides tools for designing and implementing applications that have rich user interfaces. Animations enhance the visual quality of an application by providing dynamic and interactive effects. This tutorial will explore how to create animations in Kivy.


The syntax for creating an animation in Kivy is as follows:

from kivy.animation import Animation
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget

anim = Animation(

widget = Widget()


Let's create a simple example to demonstrate the use of animations in Kivy. The following code will create a simple Kivy application with a button. Clicking the button will trigger an animation that will move the button to a new position on the screen.

from import App
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.animation import Animation

class ExampleApp(App):

    def animate_button(self, button):
        anim = Animation(

    def build(self):
        button = Button(text="Click me!")
        button.bind(on_press=lambda instance:self.animate_button(button))
        return button



After running the code, a Kivy window will appear displaying a button with the text "Click me!". Clicking the button will animate it to a new position on the screen.


In the example above, we first import the necessary classes from the Kivy library. The ExampleApp class inherits from the App class and defines two methods: animate_button and build.

The animate_button method creates a new Animation object with a position of (300,300), a duration of 1 second, and an easing function of "in_out_quad". The start method is then called on the animation object with the button instance as its argument. This begins the animation of the button's position, moving it to the specified location.

The build method creates a new button instance with the text "Click me!" and binds its on_press event to the animate_button method with the button instance as its argument. This means that when the button is clicked, the animate_button method is called with the button instance as its argument, triggering the animation.

The ExampleApp().run() code at the end of the script starts the Kivy application and runs it.


Animations are commonly used in applications to create visual feedback for user interaction, to provide dynamic transitions between UI elements, and to enhance the overall user experience.

Important Points

  • An animation in Kivy is created using the Animation class and can specify properties such as position, size, and opacity.
  • An animation can be triggered using the start method of the Animation class, passing in the widget to animate as an argument.
  • Animations can be combined into sequences, allowing for complex animations to be created.


In this tutorial, we learned how to create animations in Kivy using the Animation class. We demonstrated how to animate the position of a button using an easing function to create a smooth transition. Animations are an important part of creating applications with dynamic and interactive user interfaces, and can greatly enhance the user experience.

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