  1. xml-xsl-message

XML xsl:message

The xsl:message element is used to print messages during the transformation process.


<xsl:message terminate="yes" | "no">
    <!-- Content to be displayed -->


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
    <xsl:template match="/">
        <xsl:message terminate="no">This is a sample message.</xsl:message>


This example will output a message "This is a sample message."


It can be used for debugging or to report any errors encountered.

The terminate attribute with value "yes" is used to stop the transformation process immediately after the message is displayed. If the value of the terminate attribute is "no", then the transformation will continue after the message is displayed.


The xsl:message element is mainly used for debugging purposes. It is useful for displaying custom messages, allowing programmers to quickly identify issues in the transformation.

Important Points

  • The xsl:message element is mainly used for debugging purposes.
  • The terminate attribute with value "yes" is used to stop the transformation process immediately after the message is displayed.
  • If the value of the terminate attribute is "no", then the transformation will continue after the message is displayed.


In summary, the xsl:message element is a useful tool for printing custom messages during the XSLT transformation process. It is mainly used for debugging purposes and can be configured to either stop the transformation process immediately or to continue after the message is displayed.

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