  1. xml-technologies

XML Technologies

  • XML stands for Extensible Markup Language.
  • It is a markup language that is designed to store and transfer data.
  • XML is easy to learn and understand and has become very popular as a standard for exchanging information between applications and services.


XML has a simple syntax which consists of opening and closing tags with content in between. Tags can be nested to form a tree-like structure.

Here is the basic syntax of an XML element:



Here is an example of an XML document which contains information about a book:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <title>XML Tutorial</title>
   <author>John Doe</author>


The output of an XML document is usually in the form of a text file. However, XML data can also be sent over the internet using protocols such as HTTP.


XML was designed to provide a flexible format for data storage and exchange. It allows developers to define their own custom tags and attributes which can be used to represent any kind of data.


XML is used in a wide range of applications, including web services, data exchange between applications, configuration files, and more.

Important Points

  • XML documents must include a declaration which specifies the version of XML being used and the character encoding.
  • XML documents must have a root element, which is the top-level element in the document.
  • XML is case sensitive. Tags and attribute names must be spelled correctly.
  • XML documents should be well-formed, which means that they follow the basic syntax rules and do not contain errors.


XML is a popular markup language that is used to store and transfer data. It has a simple syntax which consists of opening and closing tags with content in between. XML is widely used in web services, data exchange, and configuration files. It is important to ensure that XML documents are well-formed and follow the basic syntax rules.

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