  1. xml-xquery-functions-overview

XML XQuery Functions Overview

XQuery functions are pre-defined modules of code that help to streamline the development of XQuery applications. XQuery functions perform a variety of tasks, such as mathematical calculations, string manipulation, and date/time formatting. This page provides an overview of XQuery functions, including their syntax, examples, output, explanation, use cases, important points, and summary.


The syntax for XQuery functions is as follows:

function-name(argument1, argument2, ..., argumentN)

where function-name is the name of the function and argument1...argumentN are the input arguments for the function.


Here is an example of how to use the upper-case() function to convert a string to uppercase:

let $myString := "hello world"
return upper-case($myString)



The upper-case() function takes a string as input and returns the uppercase equivalent of that string. The let statement is used to set a variable called $myString to the value "hello world". The return statement then passes the $myString variable as an argument to the upper-case() function, which returns the string in all uppercase letters.


XQuery functions can be used in a variety of situations in which a pre-defined module of code is needed. Some common use cases include:

  • Mathematical calculations: Functions such as abs(), ceiling(), floor(), round(), and sum() can be used to perform mathematical calculations on numeric data.
  • String manipulation: Functions such as substring(), starts-with(), contains(), ends-with(), and replace() can be used to manipulate strings.
  • Date/time formatting: Functions such as current-date(), current-time(), current-dateTime(), date(), time(), and dateTime() can be used to format date and time data.

Important Points

When using XQuery functions, it is important to keep the following points in mind:

  • XQuery functions are case-sensitive.
  • Some functions require a specific input data type, and may return an error if the wrong data type is provided.
  • Many XQuery functions are designed to work with other XQuery constructs, such as XPath expressions and variables.


XQuery functions are pre-defined modules of code that perform a variety of tasks in XQuery applications. They can be used for mathematical calculations, string manipulation, date/time formatting, and more. Important points to keep in mind when using XQuery functions include case-sensitivity, data typing requirements, and their dependence on other XQuery constructs.

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